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Scott T. Ogren, PE
Civil Engineer

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PDHonline Course Provider Biography

Scott Ogren, PE, specializes in low rise buildings constructed of wood, steel, and concrete. Mr. Ogren has extensive experience in single family and multi-family structures. His experience varies from small projects to large complex projects requiring extensive engineering consultation during construction.

Scott founded Ogren Engineering in 2002 and provides structural engineering services for new construction, additions, and remodels for residential, mixed use, commercial, and light industrial projects. He has extensive experience in wood framed buildings as well as Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) buildings.

Mr. Ogren also has extensive experience in retaining wall structural design, having completed several projects using concrete cantilever walls, gravity walls, mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls, as well as soldier pile walls.

Scott Ogren has also completed several seismic upgrades for unreinforced masonry (URM) and unreinforced concrete buildings updating them to current building codes.

Note: PDH courses by this author are under development.